UFOs and Aliens -- Click on Covers [Hosted on Scribd]

The Alien Bible
Interesting group that believes they are Aliens.

Forbidden Science - Jacques Vallee
Classic UFO text from an noted author.

CAPTURED! The abduction of Betty and Barney HillThe first popular public detailing of an Alien abduction.

Somebody Else is on the Moon - George H. Leonard
Scientist George H. Leonard demonstrates the existence of artificial structures on the moon using NASA photographs of the lunar surface.

We Discovered Alien Bases on the Moon - Fred Steckling
Shocking proof!

How to Contact the Space People - Ted Owens
Ted Owens famous account of contact with Space Intelligences, and how you too can follow his instructions to meet the SI's. Ted Owens is the most well documented and proven case of contact ever recorded.

 Flying Saucer Intelligences Speak - Ted Owens
Ted Owens account of his first encounter and interactions with Space Intelligences.

Into the Fringe. True Story of Alien Abduction - Karla Turner
This is the first of three books about alien abduction and their possible agenda written by Karla Turner, who has since passed away from cancer. Ms. Turner was a skeptic when it came to UFOs and aliens, but when strange things started happening to her and her family, they sought answers via hypnosis, and they learned some really disturbing things.

Picture The Lost Book of Enki - Zecharia Sitchin
ET Gods and Beings that contacted earth. One in a series of books by the famous author.

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